If you think that the appearance of your teeth is in ”the shadow“ of the too prominent gums or your teeth are short in relation to the gingiva that surrounds them when you smile, most likely it came to the condition of commonly known as a ”Gummy smile“, or excessive gingival expression.
Excessively visible gums can significantly distort the aesthetics of your smile. The causes of the emergence are different, including

  • Abnormal dentition and gums, thus covered with gums and the normal size, may seem short
  • The muscles that control the movement of the upper lip may be hyperactive, causing its movement more than is necessary, that when smiling, most of the gum gets exposed
  • The manner in which the jaws grew and developed, can lead to appearance characteristic for a Gummy smile, as expressed at the protuberant upper jaw

Optimal smile lines (including teeth visible while smiling) should minimally expose the gums (about 2mm). For an attractive and beautiful smile it is very important that the gingiva follows the contours of the upper lip in a balanced manner. If the absence of a harmonious look does not exist, people consider themselves less attractive; they smile reluctantly or even not smile at all.

Among the possible causes of the Gummy smile depends the seriousness of the present dental condition. If the gums are visible as a result of the way and speed of teething or development of the gums, the improper bite, that over time seriously impairs the function of chewing and your long term oral health, could be present as well.

The good news is that today the Gummy smile is safely corrected by various procedures. The treatment of choice is closely linked with the cause. In a detailed analysis, which includes X-rays, taking teeth imprint, it is sometimes necessary to include the oral surgery specialist, periodontics or orthodontics, for the ultimate result of the therapy, aesthetically and functionally justify your expectations.

The goal of the treatment is to significantly reduce the visibility of the gums and increase the optical length of the front, but also of the posterior teeth, which significantly changes and brightens your smile.

The most common procedure that applies is Gingivoplasty. Gingivoplasty corrects malformations and asymmetries caused by genetics factors, although the project may have only cosmetic purposes. Gingivoplasty most often runs independently from the gingivectomy (procedure in the treatment of periodontal pockets, where much of the gingiva is removed), although depending on the indication, it can be carried out before or after gingivectomy.

The process is fairly simple, timely short and completely painless. The excessive gum is removed with the laser under the local anesthesia; during the same visit, the composite bandage is placed, respectively composite veneer, that gingiva will be naturally formed under its edge. It takes a few days for gums to calm, after which patients return to the normal oral hygiene. Composite veneers (or facets) can be replaced with ceramic ones just after a few days, since they are a permanent solution.

Visual effect, with either composite or ceramic veneers, is remarkable, completely natural and gives absolutely harmonious smile.