Cysts are pathological changes developed in jaw bone tissue. They may be developmental or of inflammatory origin. If the cyst is not removed on time, it continues to grow destroying the surrounding bone. Symptoms usually occur only when the cyst has reached a sufficient size and causes swelling, which is relatively late, or when an acute infection is developed. Depending on the etiology – causes, there may be changes in tooth colour, hard swelling, fistula, redness, mucous membranes, unpleasant nasal secretion (in the upper jaw, which is a sign of sinus perforation).

The diagnosis is made based on X-Rays, which we, at the DENTAL CLINIC ”RODA“, also use for treatment planning, as well as on the present symptoms.
Treatment is exclusively surgical. Cystic lesions must be removed completely because of its tendency of growth and destruction, except of the eruptive cysts that occur in the soft tissue of permanent teeth during eruption, where the outer shell is removed. At the same time, within the surgical framework the caused tooth or its root is taken care of. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.
Every surgical intervention carried out at the DENTAL CLINIC ”RODA“is implemented with the appropriate anesthesia and maximum comfort. Immediately after the intervention, you will be resting under the supervision of our dentist until you should be ready to go home. Postoperative treatment entails instructions for oral hygiene and possible additional care, prescription for the appropriate analgetic and antibiotics, surgical removal of stitches, and control monitoring. If you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to contact us at the DENTAL CLINIC ”RODA“ so that we could calm you down and suggest what you should do.