Metal Ceramics Supplements: Metal-ceramic crowns and bridges are a traditional form of dental restorations, and are considered to be solid and durable solution.

The teeth crowns which are made in this way are more resistant and longer lasting. It is believed that they have better grip on the teeth, and the manufacture price is more affordable compared to ceramic ones. Usually, this kind of the teeth crowns are placed in the lateral region due to the greater pressure that the teeth must endure during chewing.
Metal-ceramic bridges are indicated for the compensation of one or several teeth, when the aligning and quality of remaining teeth enables them, over the crown, to rely on the missing teeth. Teeth that are set for carriers previously must be, if necessary, conservatively disposed (with fillings, by surgery and root canal treatment).

Metal-ceramics supplements are combination of metal caps made of metal alloys (gold or titanium) and ceramic layer that coats the surface of the cap. As a result of the complex laboratory preparation, there may be structural weaknesses in the ceramics segment and it can lead to the crown chips or breaks off. Being voluminous type of compensation it requires the removal of the greater part of the tooth substance during grinding.
Due to a possible gum withdrawal or if the gingiva itself is thin, the metal can emerge under the gums or appear as crescent like edge. This deficiency can be avoided by creating metal-ceramic crowns with ceramic edge, or simply ceramic crown. Also, the metal component can cause discoloration of the gums edge caused by corrosive process which is characteristic of the presence of metal in the mouth.
Adequately made metal-ceramic crown, implement minimal trauma to the gums and may extend the life of your teeth up to 20 years. Although the metal – free ceramics, thanks to the improved mechanical properties and aesthetic qualities, took precedence in modern aesthetic dentistry, resistance and durability characteristic of the metal, and affordability in price, make metal ceramic compensation remaining the traditional choice for some of our patients.