Ceramic veneers are thin porcelain flakes 1 mm thick, which are permanently installed (glued) to the front surface of the teeth. They are extremely effective when you want to avoid extensive grinding teeth to correct their shape, size or colour, close the space between the teeth, as well as repair of minor irregularities in the teeth position.

They are especially popular among younger patients who are not quite satisfied with the aesthetics of their smile and want a popular ”Hollywood smile“, while they are not candidates for more invasive prosthetic solutions or wearing one of orthodontic appliances.
The ceramic veneers are produced in the laboratory on the basis of previously collected imprint of minimally prepared tooth or by CAD-CAM technology, in one visit.
The veneers are very durable and resistant; they are not subject to change of colour and are ideal for people who are smokers, lovers of coffee or other drinks discoloured.

Lumineers are extremely thin ceramic shells that do not require prior grinding or require minimal preparation only in order to fix the special materials to the tooth surface. Although their thickness is compared with the thickness of the vision lenses, they are characterized by excellent stability and durability. Since their indications are limited, after the examination we will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this type of veneers.