Modern dentistry requires team work in order to provide complete and successful dental care for the patient. Consequently, some cases require cooperation of oral surgeon and an orthodontist. Oral – surgical procedures often indicated in preparation for orthodontic treatment are:

  • Extraction of teeth (erupted and impacted)
  • Extraction of supernumerary teeth
  • Remedy in the dentition
  • Phrenectomy (removal of mucosal folds that connects the middle of the upper and lower lip and gums, tongue and the mouth cavity)

There is no need to rush with the extraction of milk teeth. Their presence is important for the growth of jaws and occlusion, but there are cases where it is necessary, especially if the deputy permanent tooth does not sprout on time; consider the reasons of its absence.

In adults, where the growth of jaws is completed but the uncomforted state is present, it is necessary to remove one or more teeth in order that remained teeth could be able to take the right position.

The reason for the lack of the timely tooth eruption may be the presence of supernumerary teeth, cysts, scars, etc. Than the procedures which will help the sprouting of non-erupted teeth, is performed, the barriers will be removed and a convenient channel is created through which the tooth spontaneously or sometimes with the help of orthodontic apparatus,leads the tooth to its place in the dental arch.