Why we are your choice?
DENTAL CLINIC RODA in Belgrade, Serbia, is a private health institution that performs all dental interventions in the field of dental prophylaxis, endodontics, periodontics, oral surgery, paediatric dentistry, with a focus on orthodontics, implantology, prosthetics and aesthetic dentistry.
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Highly qualified experts in their respective fields of dentistry
Top equipment of the best world’s manufacturers and the world’s best materials
Painless, fast and the top quality dental care
Our patients’ experience
I have a wealth of great experience in dental care with theDENTAL CLINIC ”RODA“.
I always took care of my teeth and I have not had any particular problems with caries but I have had to wear prosthesis. My first prosthesis was a child’s mobile prosthesis, in white and red colour. I have had chosen the red and white colourfor my prosthesis as these are thecolours of myfavourite football club and then I have had to wear the fixed prosthesis. I can safely say that I grew up in this office. I can safely say that i have grew up in this office and for my dental care i am still visiting the DENTAL CLINIC ”RODA“. Today I am a medical student and I have perfect teeth,lined” as a string of pearls “, thanks to the timely dental intervention in the Dental Clinic” Roda“, work done by M.D.M. Milica Rodic.
Patients before and after the treatment